Fluss des Lebens: Yukon – Ruf der Wildnis

Annika (Dagna Litzenberger-Vinet), who digs for gold at the Canadian Yukon, lives isolated from the outside world. Only once a week a friend provides her with food, otherwise she is completely on her own. But the peace and quiet comes to an abrupt end when sympathetic Daniel (Florian Lukas), his mother Lisa (Ulrike Kriener), ex-wife Frauke (Milena Dreissig) and son Linus (Taddeo Kufus) are “washed up” in Annika’s lonely hut by a storm.

The family flew to Canada to make Daniel’s long-held dream of a gold-mining adventure come true. Now they are on their own in the wilderness. Shocked by her naiveté, Annika only agrees to help them when she learns that they have lost everything – including Daniel’s pills, which he has to take because of a heart defect. He hid the fact that he was ill from his family. But without his medication, Daniel begins a race against time.

However, the arduous trek back to civilization also presents Annika with some challenges. Because actually had retreated to the solitude of Canada to deal with the death of her daughter. But when a mysterious wolf keeps appearing to her on the trip, seeming to show her a way, Annika starts to wonder. She realizes that she must open up to Daniel and his family.

Cast: Dagna Litzenberger-Vinet, Florian Lukas, Ulrike Kriener, Milena Dreissig, Taddeo Kufus, Trevor Caroll, Dennis Shortly a. o.

Screenplay: Gernot Gricksch
Director: Mia Sprengler
Camera: Ralf Noack
Editing: Linda Bosch
Mix: Björn Wiese
Music: David Grabowski
Music Supervision: Ingeborg Feilhauer
Casting: Lisa Stutzky
Production design: Francis “Kiko” Soeder


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