
The Ice Wind tells the story of two mismatched girls growing up on a 1940s Berlin housing estate. They experience the cruelty of the times through their very own eyes. The children live out their fantasy world in a kind of “magic world” that they have set up in their own basement. An important role is played by the red magic cloak, which the children include in their play as a central prop and which ultimately leads to a mix-up. But the story only seems to take a happy turn.


Cast: Bianca Ambrosi, Maja Schellschmidt, Antje Jandrig, Patrick Merkle, Andrea Köss, Knud Kohr, Bob Grünberg, Ben Braun

Screenplay: Christoph Silber
Director: Christoph Silber
Camera: Axel Fischer
Composer: Ori Barel
Editing: Regina Bärtschl
Production design: Ulrike Litters
Costume: Katrin Berthold
Mask: Natalie von Brunn
Sound: Thomas Pfeiffer
Production Management: Anita Schenk
Producer: Martin Lehwald
Production year: 2005/2006

  • BAMkinds Film Festival 2008
  • Chicago International Children’s Film Festival 2007
  • Los Angeles International Short Film Festival 2006
Scene from The Ice Wind
Scene from The Ice Wind
Scene from The Ice Wind
Scene from The Ice Wind
Scene from The Ice Wind
Scene from The Ice Wind