
Mux is back.
After years in a vegetative state, he encounters a world he no longer understands. A stranger in his own country. And yet the question arises… Wasn’t it us all asleep and not him? Mux, the self-proclaimed revolutionary and do-gooder, has not changed. He has made up his mind. With his long-term nurse Karsten at his side and the manifesto of Muxism under his arm, he is ready to take up the unequal fight…




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Cast: Jan Henrik Stahlberg, Tilman Vellguth, Bettina Hoppe, Sophie Roeder, Henriette Simon

Written by: Jan Henrik Stahlberg
Director: Jan Henrik Stahlberg
Directors of Photography: Ralf Noack, Carolin Hauke, Philip Jestädt
Editors: Sarah Clara Weber, Natalie Trapp
Sound: Phillip Lehner
Composer: Rainer Oleak
Casting: Stephanie Maile
Production Design: Kathrin Adam, Carola Gauster, Lada Stepanenko
Producers: Mirjam Erdem, Stella Wejchert
Line Producers: Charles Breitkreuz, Anna-Katrin Winkler
Producers: Martin Lehwald, Marcos Kantis (Mux Filmproduktion)
Co-Producers: Jana Kreissl, Tobias Gaede (Silva Film)
Funded by: Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), MV Film Funding

Year of production: 2024

Festival Participation

41st Film Festival Munich 2024