The Nationalgalerie at Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin presents a solo exhibition of Berlin-based artist Julian Rosefeldt from February 10 to July 10, 2016. Manifesto is an installation consisting of 13 parallel films and a tribute to the moving tradition of artists’ manifestos. Rosefeldt’s work emphasizes the literary beauty and performative energy of artists’ manifestos. He has collaged numerous original historical manifestos into 13 poetic monologues and presents them as a living, highly contemporary call in moving images.
Cast: Cate Blanchett
Screenplay: Julian Rosefeldt
Director: Julian Rosefeldt
Camera: Christoph Krauss
Editing: Bobby Good
Production design: Erwin Prib
Costume: Bina Daigeler
Mask: Morag Ross
Production Management: Anna K. Guddat
Production management: Vasily Zygouris
Executive producer: Marcos Kantis, Martin Lehwald, Vasily Zygouris
Producer: Julian Rosefeldt
Commissioning Editor: Cornelia Ackers (BR)
Production year: 2015